Knowledge Management – Woodpecker
To face the competition in the die market, and future trend, knowledge management is the important basis of the core skill. Knowledge management is a tool and efficient way to create and accumulate intellectual capital. In the future, we must turn to intelligent manufacture to become the top in the market, with plenty of intellectual capital. Intellectual capital includes knowledge, information, technology, organization's learning ability, team communication system, and relationship with the customers that can create enterprise wealth no matter what.
Because of this, Ejee gathered all employees to form a knowledge management group. Start from the technology point therefore we named it as the woodpecker. We hope our employees would be like the woodpecker see through the first chance and train the staff's knowledge and accumulation of company's knowledge assets. Below pictures are only small portions of Ejee’s knowledge management. Ejee has created a knowledge base. In the future, ejee can offer solution to the customers by using a broad technology knowledge. |